About Defeat Points

Achievements are really helping us to develop our character through the game. In AVABEL there ish very useful achievements thats resets everyday and everyone,well almost everyone doing em everyday
that ish Defeat Points. Whas the benefit and how ya gonna do em? well lemme explain it in a bit XD.

A. What ish Defeat Points?
They are the points we get for killing monsters in the dungeons or floors. The higher the floor means higher difficulties, and higher difficulties offers more defeat points. This achievement resets everyday in 04:00 GMT, so basically ya can do this achievement everyday repeatedly for more benefits.

B. The Benefits of Defeat Points
They offer lots of rewards for each achievement, the rewards will surely help ya to getting strong through the game. Such as gears, golds, exp and jexp, gangue pieces, or even expansion books. Here ish the full rewards and ish own benefits :
10 (C) : 100 EXP & JEXP  |  50 (character) : 500 EXP & JEXP
120 (C) : 1200 EXP & JEXP  |  240 (character) : 2400 EXP & JEXP
777 (C) : 7777 EXP & JEXP  |  1000 (character) : 10K EXP & JEXP
2000 (C) : 20K EXP & JEXP | 3000 (character) : 30K EXP & JEXP
5000 (C) : 500K EXP & JEXP, 1 Middle Rune & Astra BOX, 1 Gangue Piece
7777 (C) : 777K EXP & JEXP, 3 Gangue Pieces, 1 Moonite, 3 Refine Pilot Lights
10000 (C) : 1M EXP & JEXP, 1 Big Rune & Astra BOX, 3 Max Boost Crystals
30000 (C) : 3M EXP & JEXP, 3 Big Rune & Astra BOX
50000 (C) : 5M EXP & JEXP, Weight Expansion 100, Storage Expansion 5, Bag Expansion 5
100000 (C) : 10M EXP & JEXP, 3 RE ORB BOX, 1 Element and Crysta Case expansion book
500 (A) : 5 SP & HP Recovery R  |  1000 (A) : 1 SURVIVAL RUSH Ticket
1500 (A) : 1 Defeat Reward Box  |  3000 (A) : 1 ZENITH CLASH Ticket
6000 (A) : 1 Defeat Reward Box  |  10000 (A) : 1 Defeat Reward Box, 1 Sharp & Hard Xtal
15000 (A) : 1 Defeat Reward Box+, 1 Bag Expansion 1, 1 Weight Expansion 20
20000 (A) : 2 Defeat Reward Box, 1 Bag Expansion 1, 1 Weight Expansion 20
30000 (A) : 2 Defeat Reward Box+, 1 Element and Crysta Case expansion book, Medal of Mastery

Got confused wha the items does?? heres the detail
Middle Rune Boxes, They gives 1-5★ Rune weapons or armors, 1 Rune gear worth 500K Golds
Middle Astra Boxes, They gives 1-5★ Astra weapons or armors, 1 Astra gear worth 600K Golds
Gangue Pieces, 5 Gangue pieces = 1 Evolution Gangue, ish required to unlock certain advanced classes.
Defeat Reward Boxes, They drops various items such as event coins, expansion books and war god medals (ya can spin em in wvw rewards npc)
Expansion books, They really obvious arent they? XD
Tickets, You need them to enter certain dungeons
Sharp and Hard crystals, Items ya need to unlock advanced classes
Big Rune Boxes, They gives 1-10★ Rune weapons or armors, 1 Rune gear worth 500K Golds
Big Astra Boxes, They gives 1-10★ Astra weapons or armors, 1 Astra gear worth 600K Golds, 6★ astra armors are really useful for starters
Medal of Mastery , Ya can trade em to Quest npc (any) and look for special quest tab for 1 gem each medal.
RE ORB Box , Various RE ORBs, some really worth to slot. If not ya can sell em for 10M Golds

PS : The one in (C) ish character, which ish not shared between other characters, so ya can do this even more if ya got many characters and benefits more each day. And the one in (A) ish shared  between other characters in an account, so ya can only do them once each day.

C. How to earn Defeat Points.
Ya can get em by killing monster, Higher the floors, the more defeat points each monster. Players usually defeat points by grinding in certain floors such as 18f (Caplia), 22f (Shizima), 42f (Deva) , and 45f (Curea). Pick the floors depends on ya gears and join the party or create your own.

After reaching some achievement, dont forget to claim the reward! ya can claim it by clicking those buttons!
