About Equipments

Equipments are most vital in every video game, they usually give you stats that will make you stronger to survive the game. But avabel has lot of equipment types, and sometimes ish really confusing which equipment we should use.

A. Types of Equipments

  • Normal Eq. Beginners weapon,most weak equipment race but really useful for starters, we can obtain them by floor drops, sword/armor dungeons and advanced item npc.
  • Runes Eq.  Runes have higher stats than normal weapons by default, but still weak for a weapon or armor. But runes can be really useful to build our crystal case. We can obtain them by rune boxes (5k-10k-30k daily kills)
    PS : if you got +2/+3 stats runes keep them in cc, they are useful for building your cc later on and CC really helps to boost your stats)
  • Astras Eq.  Astra ish one of best armors in avabel for now, since ish grants lot of HP, and it has more stats than rune too. Astra armors also have balanced def and mdef, but Astra gears have to be maintained. Astra gears' enhance exp will reduce by the time we are not in base.They have fixed element too so ish impossible to change it to element we want. We can obtain astras by Astra boxes (5k-10k-30k daily kills).
Pros of Astra Equipments :
  • Balanced DEF and MDEF Points  
  • Offers more Health Points, which is good for armors
  • Not too hard to get one. 
  • Cheap, Slotting only needs below lvl 100 and probably don't need rifting.
Cons of Astra Equipments :
  • Fixed elements (can't be removed or replaced with other element)
  • Durability (enhance exp) reduces on use.
  • Don't have Subtitute DEF or MDEF (more crit dmg taken) 
  • Astra weapons don't offer good base atk/matk
PS : Astra armors are useful when ish 7★+ you can use 5★-6★ one as a beginner though

  • Mevius Eq. : Mevius weapons hold the strongest race in avabel for now (get one of it now!), They grants lot of more stats than astra. Mevius equipements has 4 slots (normal-astra only have 3),the armors also has Subtraction stats,which ish useful to reduce crit damage dealt by enemies. Mevius ish mainly for Max boost players since its requirement level to equip ish 120-280. We can obtain them by Advanced item npc with "heavenly" prices, or you can spin some in shop.Mevius ish costy for some people, since they have to spin rifts.
Pros of Mevius Equipments :
  • More DEF or MDEF depends on type of armors.
  • Offers Subtitute DEF or MDEF, (more means less crit dmg taken)
  • Has 4 slots (when astra and other gears only have 3). 
  • Mevius weapons offers HUGE amount of atk/matk
Cons of Mevius Equipments :
  • Very expensive, you can get them either spin with gems, or massive amounts of golds.
  • Variety, since it focused either MDEF or DEF, getting good combination might takes time.
  • Costy, slotting, and possibly rifting is costy, self explanatory.
PS : Subtitute means amount outside the branch, DisNumber (XXX)  
