About Mastering Classes

Mastering classes ish really useful.If you mastered a class, all the skills will be available in Novice tab with "RE" tag (including the passive and hidden skill). RE skill removes all weapon requirement. for an example : Normal inferno skills require double knuck,but RE inferno skills can be used even with daggers.

A. Requirements for Mastering classes
Every classes need hard and sharp crystal to unlock them. Some also has more item such as level 5 Orbs, Evolution gangue, or Level 3 Shining stones.Summoner needs extra crystal that can be obtained from challenge npc in quest/dungeon. How do we obtain them :
  • Sharp and Hard crystals : you can get them in tuesday/thursday dungeons (room of stiff crystals) Synthesis the pieces for extra (5 pieces=1 xtal)
  • Evolution Gangues : for beginner ish a reward for floors and faine quests, but you can get 4 pieces by doing 7777 defeat points achievement each day,or do Advent dungeons (ish bit hard dont actually solo them XD)
  • Level 5 Orbs : you can simply buy them from advanced item NPCs for 1m golds
  • Level 3 Shining Stones : You can buy 4 element bowls, synthesize 2 level 2 Shining stones, then synth them again to Level 3 (ish costs 4m)
  • Illusionary crystal : you can get them in every challenge dungeon in quest/dungeon like challenge bahamut,valkyrie,or yggdrasil. I think hard and sharp crystals dungeon drops this too

B. Ways of Mastering Classes 


Survival Rush ish one of best way to master classes or merely earn JEXP if ya dont have books. 1 monster worth 20k exp and jexp and capped to 500 kills for max reward (20K × 500 = 10M EXP and JEXP)

To enter survival rush, ya need survival rush ticket. Yac an obtain em by completing certain defeat points daily. then head to technical dungeon npc in q/d>create>solo>survival rush

(Please note that this ish rush technical battle, so dont worry if ya got killed XD ya wont lose any exp and will respawn in 10 seconds) andd just kill them all of to earn more rewards! PS: Survival Rush area might change by time!

Killing Dotapen RE
This RE bird spawns in f26, and worth 74K JEXP each kill, Ish common for 1 type of RE monster to spawn 2 at once. So after killing 1, other one will shortly respawns and ya can start look for another in that time gap.

Floor Grinds

Grinding ish very common in any MMORPG, ish how we killing monster or doing quests repeatedly non stop XD, but most of us grind in certain floor such as 22F, 18F, 42F, 45F or even 45F. And when we grinding for EXP & JEXP we will also got defeat points in the meantime.

Defeat Points offers huge amount of JEXP depends on how much Defeat points ya accomplished. Just by reaching 10K defeat points ya will get around 2M+ JEXP. Ya might need proper equipments to survive and kill fast in those floors. Ya can join some party and put them on auto hunt,
