About Strengthening Equipments

         Equipments are vital, but we have to maintain ish performance and maxing it to ish potential. So this will guide you what to do with your equipments

A. Enhancing Equipments
We can raise the equipments level by talking to Blacksmith NPC in the base field. The max level depends on the stars of equipment. For an example : 13★ knuckle will have level 130 max, 14★=140 and so on. There are 3 ways to enhance our equipments, such as ;
  • Grinding for equipment drops in floor, this ish might be popular since we do grind a lot. Grind until your bag ish filled and head back to blacksmith npc and select all equipments that drop from grinding
  • Grinding for Broken Gears, they drops in every floor. They worth 5k enhance exp in blacksmith (ish a relic, stackable but has 20 weight) join a party for better drops!
  • Enhance stones, Enhance stones are like a shortcut for those who lazy to grind on floors. Ish like 1 big shot try and done. We can obtain enhance stones from "Room of Strong Stone" dungeon that available every sunday. Here ish the list of exp enhance stone offers :
  1. Rook : 600pt
  2. Kundo : 1500pt
  3. Lagnome : 5000 pt
  4. Dyron : 17000pt
  5. Moonites : 30000pt
  6. Olion : 75000pt
  7. Rive : 150000pt
  8. Goldwerg : ???
PS : the list ish not completed please type in comment if you know more XD

B. Equipments Element
In blacksmith NPC ya can also can apply element to ya equipments. Elements apply to both Attack and Defense, either ish increase or decrease, depends on the element advantages. Some monster has element das can be indicated by the icon beside their name.
Heres the Advantage and Disadvantage of elements :
  • Fire has advantage to Earth, and weak to Water
  • Earth has advantage to Wind, and weak to Fire
  • Wind has advantage to Water, and weak to Earth
  • Water has advantage to Fire, and weak to Wind
  • Light and dark has advantage over each other
  • and Weak if against ish own element

PS: This also applies on Skills elements, if they match the skill will deal more damage, Less damage when using elements that has disadvantage, and Neutral if other elements, example : when using Fire bringer skill with water element weapon, the damage dealt will be less.

C. Adding Monster Type to Equipments
Not only that, Blacksmith NPC also offers ya a service to add monster types to ya equipments. When monster type of ya equip matches the monster ya sparring, ya will gain advantage. but when ish not, ya will gain disadvantage. Like :

For weapons when ish match = more damage
but when ish doesn't match = less damage
For armors when ish match = less damage received
but when ish doesn't match = more damage received

PS : Adding type to equips will make them exclusive for the character that added monster type, ish won't be able to be used on any other character, can't be used as Evolve material, And monster type ish fixed where it won't be able to change afterwards.
D. Customizing Weapon Type
Blacksmith ish not the only one who can prep ya equipments, Synthesis ish capable of doing so too. Ish Customizing weapon type, ish increase certain point depends on the type.
Heres the list of the types they offers :
  • [Ba Type] ATK and MATK raised in balanced manners
  • [Di Type] MAXATK & MAXMATK highly increased, no increase in Min (bigger gap)
  • [Fl Type] MINATK & MINMATK highly increased, no increase in Max (lessen gap)
