Beginner's Guide

This ish outdated post, i will update em later on!

Part 1. Beginning.
After finishing the tutorial, you will be redirected to Revere base.there ish a lot of npc and might seems confusing but i will explain them one by one later ^^

you can start doing floor quests from 6F, there are 2 release quests each floor. but when you reach 10F,make sure to do it with empty bags since we need to do collect quests starts from there. Also try to save 100k jexp for advanced class in the future.

PS : flooring ish the best leveling method for starters

2. Advanced class and daily kills
So when you reached 50 and got 100k jexp. You can head to advanced class npc and if possible to unlock the class.You need sharp and hard crystals to unlock advanced classes.You can get them from 8F side quest (glazeman) and 10f (imps killing), floor quests and achievements for now.

soo once you got advanced classes. now you will be able to do daily kills. for now, ish suggested to do it in rush 1. you can enter one by heading to technical battle npc in quest/dungeon

join the party when you are in the room and kill as much as you can. (if you lucky you can get into 1.2-1.6k room)
try to repeat them until you reach 10k achievement everyday. you will get tons of jexp and some useful boxes, and gangue pieces to unlock more adv classes in future ^^

3. Golds and Equipments
Soo when you did 10k everyday, you can open rune and astra boxes. if you lucky you can get 6★+ astra armors from big astra boxes.those are really useful (even i use astras) and if you only get low stars runes and astras, you can sell them for golds. runes worth 500k each and astras 600k. now you have some golds,you can buy better weapons in advanced npc. save 200k for 2 beginners ring (you can get them in armor npc under accessory section,they are 100k each . it will help you in level much faster)

PS : if you can't able to do 10k by rush you can get some from 13f-18f quests

4. Advanced Tips

Soo if you do floor quest (inculding the collect quest)
you can do faine's emergency quests that reward gems (YUSH GEMS) they offer 1 gem each quest and 3 gems in 6f (i think??) you can spin mevius weapons (mevius ish most powerful weapon race for now) or avatars to look better
if you got astra set or strong enough to survive in 22f. you can try joining a party to grind levels and do daily kills at same time.(make sure you have the rings at this point). get stronger and do floors or simply ask guildies to help you floors ^^
