About Cases

Cases are important to improve ya character capability,
ish a bit hard to build them, it really took time. But ish will worth it after some while ya work on it.
They will add extra stats or even element resists that will be useful for ya character.

A. Type of Cases
There are 3 types of cases in Avabel, theres ish Crysta case (which for runes), Element case (which for Astras). In addition, theres Sharing case, which i will explain in dis post later on XD

Crysta Case (CC)
Crysta Case mainly uses Rune in it. It will reflected as extra stats to ya character. How does it work? : Rune gears offers extra stats varies from +STR/+INT/+VIT/+MEN/+DEX/+DEF/+MDEF/+HP/+SP/+MINATK/+MAXATK/-MINATK/MINMATK, Ish goes up until +3 and stacks of 3 max for each rune. those stats displayed in yellow colour (1.)

Those stats can be added to ya character stats by putting it into Crysta Case. Total of stats that reflected will be shown in CC menu. There are 2 parts of stats that reflected, one is from the Rune itself (2.), and stats from the orb slottings (3.) 
The total stats reflected will be added to ya chara's stats (4.). Crysta Case have 100 slots MAX. The default is 10 slots, ya can increase it by using CC expansion books. Which ya can get by achieving certain Daily Defeat Points.
  • How do i crystallize my runes? Simply go to Case Smith NPC. They are in every base on avabel. then click Crysta Case, then Crystallize arms then pick any ya want.(it will automatically detects any Rune ya got in bag,storage and sharing case and shows its stats)
  • How do i get runes? ya can get rune boxes by achieving 5K, 10K and 30K daily defeat points. The stats ya got will be random generated.

Element Case
Element Case mainly uses Astra gears. Mainly for increasing ya chara element resistance. The % reflection depends on level and star of the Astra gear. ish work exact same like Crysta Case. Ya have to put Astra and the menu will show the % in it depends on the element. The resistance capped at 50% and wont go any further than that.

Sharing Case
Works as ish name, it distribute ya CC and Element Case contents so those can be used in any other characters within the account. In order to use it, ya need to transfer the CC content to sharing case just by opening sharing case menu (It will transferred automatically). This case has 500 slots max in default. How does it actually work? well any rune or astra that stored in sharing storage will be available in other characters as well (probably same principle as cloning it). They will directly available when ya about to crystallize even when they are not in ya bag. The list of charas that have the rune reflected stats will be shown in that own Rune or Astra gear as shown below.



  1. Wait, you are saying simply by crystallizing the runes in this case, I get extra status for my character? I don't need to have any of these weapons equipped?


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