About Gold

Gold ish main currency in Avabel, ish used on almost every transaction, processing or even requirement to get ya chara stronger. There are lotsa way to earn them.

A. How to earn Golds.

Grinding, dis ish the most common way to earn golds. Imo dis ish the only way das decent enough to earn em. Theres lotsa item das can be sell for lotsa gold. such as ;
  • Orbs, normal monster orbs valued 500K, boss orbs 2M, and RE monster orbs 10M.
    How do i earn em?
    monster orb drops quite rarely on floors. just keep farming and ya will get em eventually. Keep one of each on bag to make sure ya drop ish by any chance, since ish weight is 0. RE orbs can be obtained by reaching 100k defeat points in a day. 100k rewards 3 boxes of that. so ish 30m in total
  • Broken Gears, ish drops on every floor frequently. they valued 5k each. so the moar ya got means the more golds ya earn. Extra tips : ya might need to expand ya weight for this method. one of broken gear weights around 20 and they are stackable.
  • Defeat Points, offer handful item such as Rune and Astra Boxes, Rune values over 500k each and Astra values over 600k each. ya can get those boxes in 5K,10K,and 30K character defeat points each day.
Daily Login, handful items can be received by loggin in everyday. Such as End Crystal Mellow Statue. It sent automatically to ya storage after ya login consecutively for 7 days.

Dungeon, Theres a dungeon called Gold Room. it can be entered every weekend with Treasure map as ish requirement. How do i get that? Treasure map can be crafted by having all 5 pieces. piece 1 can be obtained in Treasure room on monday, piece 2 on tuesday and so on until 5th day (friday). More runs each day means more map ya can craft. Once ya got all pieces, ya can craft em on Synthesis.

PS : ya might cant sell some items because they dont show up on NPC. Simply untick all red boxes like pic below and they should appear magically
