About Max Boost

Max boost ish really important for us to survive this harsh game. Max boost increases level cap by 10 everytime you do it. Ish formerly known as Rebirth system.

A. Benefits of Max Boost
  • Your level cap increases by 10, more lvl means more stats.
  • You can get 16 gems every week by finishing all Area 3 RE quests (available after max boost quests section and it resets in Monday 00:00 GMT+9) How do i do the gem thingy?  
  • Special RE dungeons that rewards more than normal dungeons
B. How to Max Boost
In order to unlock the Max Boost chamber, you need to reach at least level 90 for the quest to show up,and cleared the first proving strength temp in quest/dungeon.
After the quest completed, you can head to Max boost chamber from npc in each base, in order to max boost,you need to bring items and do the temp (temp quest wont show up unless you reach at least 5th lvl like 105 115 125 and so on). Here ish the list of how much you need each max boost :
Level | MB cystals | Golds | Temp bosses
100 | 5   crystals |  5m golds  | 2f (Albero)
110 | 10 crystals | 10m golds | 3f (Jabbawock)
120 | 15 crystals | 15m golds | 5f (Scisstar)
130 | 20 crystals | 20m golds | 6f (Forneus)
140 | 25 crystals | 25m golds | 8f (Sylvia)
150 | 30 crystals | 30m golds | 9f (Vairgin)
160 | 35 crystals | 35m golds | 11f (Archtonis)
170 | 40 crystals | 40m golds | 12f (V Shnida)
180 | 45 crystals | 45m golds | 14f (Skulpik)
190 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 15f (Lekos)
200 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 17f (Nelace)
210 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 18f (Barbaros)
220 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 20f (Sprigan)
230 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 21f (Aungahel)
240 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 23f (Otakemaru)
250 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 24f (Yasha Tengu)
260 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 26f (Sky Sparrow)
270 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 27f (Gringulls)
280 | 50 crystals | 50m golds | 29f (Nebiros Millia)


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