About Magic Gems

Magic gems ish another currency in the game that can boost ya advantages in game but exchanges real money to get them instantly, but ya can get them for free if ya are not lazy and patient XD.

A. The Benefits of Magic Gems
They are supreme currency in game, it can get ya numerous useful items and equipment wit em, and limited stuffs liek avatars, various expansion books, bonus books, restat & reskill scrolls and many more das cant be acquired by using Golds. Ish also can be used to bypass stuffs liek quests, salon payments. or maybe if ya ded and don't want to lose ya exp, ya can get Miracle water to revive for 1 gem (seriously tho?) 

Common items and gears that magic gems offers :
  • Avatars, varies from 3/5 gems each part spins, and sometimes 15/25 for full set spins (events)
  • Gears, Mevius costs 5 gems each piece (with armor parts in line up too)
  • Expansions, Character expansion costs 12 gems, other expansions like bag, storage and crystal cases costs varies depends on quantity.
  • Scrolls, Restatus scroll costs around 18 gems, re-skill costs 12 gems
  • Books, Kitty books (+2200% exp book package) costs 15 gems, sometimes they sell petite one (+1100% exp for 1hr) for 3 gems.

B. How to get Magic Gems
There are lots of way to get them, well if ya are willing to spend real life currency for this virtual one, ya can always top them up directly in game. But if ya are rather not doing dat, theres couple of methods to earn them for free, likee :
  • Daily login bonuses, for first 30 days ish will rewards 5 gems in certain days, and 31 days onward ish will be 1 gem everyday. and at some point liek 222 days 333 days it will gifts more. (it resets on 4:00 GMT+9)
  • Faine emergency quests, upon clearing floors, emergency quests will show up in Faine on Revere, shes standing near 1f portal (shes visible enough to see).The quest ish liek another floor temp quest but actually rewards a gem. PS : clearing floors means doing all release quests, please take note that f10 onwards requires ya to do collect quests too!
  • Max Boost quests, upon reaching lvl 100, and Max Boosted, ya can start doing dis quests. to do the quests, head to quest dungeon, then quest manager npc. There should be "Max boost quests" with tons of quest in it. Gems will be rewarded on 3rd floors of each area RE mobs killing i.e: Grassland 3 RE Defeat, Wetland 3 RE Defeat and so on. With current max floor, which is 48 floors, ya can earn 16 gems weekly, yee ish reset weekly so ya can redo, and get the rewards again next week. PS : ish resets on Monday 00:00 GMT+9, make sure ya do and report em before they expires!)
  • Medal Of Mastery, ish an item that can be traded for 1 gem each, the medal is a reward for reaching 30k Defeat points in an account as an daily achievement , ya can trade it on quest/dungeon npc and on Special Quest. (can only trade once each character everyday)
